Monday, June 15, 2009

Truth in Training

Ok...I really want to post that everything is going great...that I am not having any problems with this whole Tri thing...But I promised myself I would blog this adventure truthfully!

So, Saturday morning really was ok, but yesterday was awful! I got out on the bike by myself for the first time. It was humid and I still haven't gotten something to put my water bottle in so I left it at home. I rode for about 15 minutes and got very sick. So I headed back home. I rode for a total of 20 minutes, about 2 miles.

I don't know if it was eating breakfast too close to the ride; what I ate for breakfast; not hydrating enough before hand or what. Nerves? Being out by myself for the first time. Was I worried I'd fall or have a flat and have to walk back. I didn't have my cell either! Or could it have just been the humidity. Maybe I waited too long to get out there, for me anyway.

But I was determined to get my 45 minutes in so at about 8:15 last night, Pat and I rode the 25 minutes I had left. Made it 4 miles. So even though it wasn't all in one trip, I did get it done.

Tonight starts the swim training. I hope it goes better than the biking and running! I am still questioning why in the world I signed up for this . . . It seems right now, a very stupid thing to do. I'm tired, sore, grumpy and disappointed in how bad a shape I really am in, but yet still very determined! Get me through this first week . . .

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